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St. Francis  Community of Faith for All People 

Pastoral Team Contact Information

Bishop Ken Pastor and Founder










Thank you for visiting our website and reading the information. We hope that you have enjoyed this experience of sharing in our faith and what we believe. If you want more information or would like to attend one of our services, retreat days, or just want someone to talk with about your faith journey you can reach us through the information provided below:

Bishop Kenneth Corbin, BCCC, BCPC, LCSW-R  Spiritual Protector   (631) 538-4564

Please come back to visit us soon. We will be posting our events each month should you wish to participate in  our communities celebrations we offer the following services:

All Sacraments (Weddings, Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion, Pastoral Care Visits to the sick, Funeral Prayers )

Spiritual Direction & Psychotherapy

Wellness Days of Spiritual Renewal

Ministry Formation

Guest Lecturing on Spirituality and Mindfulness Techniques

Recovery Days of Prayer (Retreats)

Follow us on Facebook  St. Francis Community of Faith For All People 
"A Sanctuary of Spirituality"
St. Francis Connecting with all of creation
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All donations are tax deductible since we are a 501(c)(3) 

Contact us with your spiritual needs, or just to connect. 

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