St. Francis Community of Faith
for All People
" A Sanctuary of Spirituality"

Franciscan Community
of Charity
Thursday Evening Compline Prayer
The Franciscan Community of Charity (FCC) a religious community of ordained and non ordained men and women invites you to join with us each Thursday evening at 8 PM as we pray together.
If you would like to join our community of prayer and simplicity modeled on our patron St. Francis of Assisi, please use the form below and send us your contact information, and we will reach out to you to discuss our formation process.
All are welcomed to join us in prayer whether or not you are a professed member of FCC
Please use the PDF below which is the format we will use in prayer.
Please follow the Zoom link below to join us:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8245462612?pwd=Vk04ZGRubVBqMUxDQ1prTUFORENzQT09
Meeting ID: 824 546 2612 Passcode: St.Frank55
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